Tuesday, May 24, 2022


This is coolbert:

Brimstone. 98 % effective!

Ground to ground or air-launched ground attack missile now in use the Ukraine Conflict.

From the Internet web site Strategy Page and thanks to same:

British anti-tank guided missile long-range now in use Ukraine. This is Brimstone.

"ARTILLERY: British Boxed Brimstones In Ukraine"

"May 22, 2022: Among the growing variety of weapons sent to Ukraine is a special (just for the Ukrainians) ground launched version of the Brimstone missile launched. The improvisation is a box-shaped launcher designed to be bolted to the back of a flatbed truck. Britain took a three-missile Brimstone launcher used by aircraft and mounted four of these launchers in a metal box. Add fire control gear and you have mobile anti-tank missile vehicles. Reload missiles can be carried, in their shipping containers, on any size truck and be used for reloading the truck mounted launchers. In early May video of a truck launcher firing several missiles was released along with another video, taken by a UAV, showing Russian tanks being destroyed by Brimstones."


"Brimstone is a ground or air-launched ground attack missile developed by MBDA UK for Britain's Royal Air Force. It was originally intended for "fire-and-forget" use against mass formations of enemy armour, using a millimetre wave (mmW) active radar homing seeker to ensure accuracy even against moving targets. Experience in Afghanistan led to the addition of laser guidance in the dual-mode Brimstone missile, allowing a 'spotter' to pick out specific and the highest priority targets"

Consider merely the cost of a single Brimstone:

"In 2010 Britain added a dual-mode (radar and laser) seeker to Brimstone. This version cost $265,000 each, while the single mode (radar) version cost $170,000 each"

See too from janes.com an article of the to be fielded Polish lightly-armored tank destroyer that will be armed with a dozen Brimstone.


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