Thursday, May 26, 2022


This is coolbert:

Партизани України. Ukrainian partisans. "War of the Rails" 2022.

The Ukrainian fights back! Even in territory occupied by Russian forces, no Russian military man safe at any given moment. Ukrainian guerrilla fighters on the prowl.

From Newsweek Zoe Strozewski - the tip from

1. "Ukrainians Kill 'High-Ranking' Soldiers, Blow Up Russian Train: Reports"

"Ukrainian forces blew up a Russian armored train that they said was carrying personnel in the occupied city of Melitopol on Wednesday, according to Ukrainian officials."

"The day before, guerrillas in Melitopol claimed they 'eliminated high-ranking Russian servicemen,' according to Ukraine's Zaporizhia Regional Military Administration."

2. "Ukraine officials give conflicting accounts of attack on Russian train"

From Reuters May 18, 2022.

"KYIV, May 18 (Reuters) - Ukraine's territorial defense force said on Wednesday its fighters had blown up an armored train carrying Russian troops, but an adviser to President Volodymyr Zelinskiy later said the attack had been confined to rails near the train."


"The defense force - the reservist branch of Ukraine's armed forces - said in an online posting that explosives had detonated under a rail car carrying military personnel. It did not elaborate on the extent of the damage."

OK. Damage confined to the rails and not the train itself! That does make more sense. The Russian has indeed restored the ancient and venerable tradition of the armored train? Provides where tracks are available point-defense of vulnerable targets with train-mounted anti-aircraft artillery and MANPADS?


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