Friday, May 20, 2022


This is coolbert:

"For the use of high-precision weapons, the operation of weapons and military equipment, highly professional specialists are needed. Experience shows that they become such by the age of 40–45,"

WANTED! Professionals Russia for military style duty. Age be no barrier.

"Struggling Russia Paves Way to Sign Up Over-40s for Army"

From Newsmax and thanks to same. 20 May 2022.

"In a sign of Russia's urgent need to bolster its war effort in Ukraine, parliament [Russian Duma] said on Friday it would consider a bill to allow Russians over 40 and foreigners over 30 to sign up for the military."

"The website of the State Duma, parliament's lower house, said the move would enable the military to utilize the skills of older professionals."


"The Duma said the proposed legislation would also make it easier to recruit civilian medics, engineers and operations and communications specialists."

Persons normally beyond military age now can volunteer for duty if you possess certain skills and have a background which seems to be of the Information Age technology nature.

NOT older individuals being assigned to combat duty on the front line! Let us be clear about that.

It does sound reasonable.


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