Friday, May 27, 2022


This is coolbert:

Kadyrov the Chechen strongman promised fighters for Vlad. Now he delivers them?

First from the "The Daily Beast" through the story by Shannon Vavra May 26, 2022.

1. "Russia Accused of Kidnapping Own Citizens to Fight War in Ukraine"

"Citizens of the Russian republic of Chechnya are reporting that they are being kidnapped against their will and forced to fight as 'volunteers' in Russia’s war in Ukraine, according to several human rights organizations."

"Hundreds of Chechen people are being rounded up for 'mass abductions,' 1Adat, a human rights group that advocates against corruption in Chechnya and Russian propaganda, reported."

“'The abducted are required to sign a paper stating that they are volunteers to be sent to Ukraine, otherwise they are threatened with fabrication of criminal cases,' 'Everyone who goes to Ukraine in this way will be used on the front line, like cannon fodder.'”


2. "Men abducted en masse in Chechnya and sent to fight against Ukraine media"

Thanks to the story from Ukrayinska Pravda story by SVITLANA KIZILOVA — 26 MAY 2022.

"Several Chechen human rights organizations, as well as bloggers, are talking about appeals from Chechen residents regarding men being abducted to be sent as 'volunteers' to the war against Ukraine."

"Details: According to human rights activists, the abducted men are forced to sign a contract under threat of spending an indefinite time in secret prisons."

Not for a moment would I ever consider such "conscripts" to be reliable or being able to display any sort of soldierly skill. More of a danger to themselves and their leadership!

If this indeed this is all true consider this a sure sign Vlad is desperate!


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