Saturday, April 23, 2022


This is coolbert:

From Mark Felton yet one more Ukraine Conflict You Tube video.

Controversial Ukrainian fighting unit often referred to as neo-Nazi. Azov and a discussion of symbolism as associated with same.

When Vlad speaks of "denazification" these folks are who he has in mind. Azov neo-Nazi.

"The Ukrainian Army's Azov Battalion is controversial due to its use of symbols associated with the Waffen-SS. In this video, we will examine the unit's history and what those symbols mean."

Azov sometimes described as a battalion [nine-hundred personnel] and at other times a regiment [twenty-five hundred personnel. 

See wiki entries regarding the Wolfsangel and the Black Sun respectively here and here

All thanks to Mark Felton. His military history lessons as seen at You Tube quite good. Keep up the good work Mr. Mark.


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