Thursday, April 21, 2022


This is coolbert:

Consider this Russian provocation within the context of a very recent blog entry.

American goodwill gesture not reciprocated! Rather much the opposite.

Thanks here to the BBC:

"The Russian defense ministry has released video of what it says is a successful launch of a nuclear-capable missile."

"The new Sarmat super-heavy intercontinental ballistic missile [Satan-2] was launched from the Plesetsk spaceport in the north-western Arkhangelsk region and landed in the other side of Russia in the far-eastern Kamchatka peninsula. President Putin said it was food for thought for those who try to threaten Russia."

All dogs must know their master. Eat the dog food Joe?

Satan-2 [Sarmat] also the SS-18. Carries a multi-megaton warhead for which the USA has no analogous equal! That warhead a thermo-nuclear city buster!

That embedded video accompanying the BBC article most impressive. But then the released video MEANT to impress. Annoyance hardly this is. I am not sure what the Biden administration makes of this.

Joe worries about annoying Vlad, but Vlad does not worry about annoying Joe! Decide it all for yourselves.


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