Saturday, April 16, 2022

Understanding II.

This is coolbert:

Further material to increase your awareness and consciousness of the Ukraine Conflict. Where have we been and where are we going?

A very long and hard read. Perhaps not for the dilettante but rather for the professional?

"Retired Swiss Military-Intelligence Officer: 'Is it Possible to Actually Know What Has Been And is Going on in Ukraine?'"

From the article by Jacques Baud courtesy the "Unz Review" Sat, 02 Apr 2022.

About Jacques Baud:

"Jacques Baud is a former colonel of the [Swiss] General Staff, ex-member of the Swiss strategic intelligence, specialist on Eastern countries. He was trained in the American and British intelligence services. He has served as Policy Chief for United Nations Peace Operations. As a UN expert on rule of law and security institutions, he designed and led the first multidimensional UN intelligence unit in the Sudan. He has worked for the African Union and was for 5 years responsible for the fight, at NATO, against the proliferation of small arms. He was involved in discussions with the highest Russian military and intelligence officials just after the fall of the USSR. Within NATO, he followed the 2014 Ukrainian crisis and later participated in programs to assist the Ukraine."



"The Military Situation In The Ukraine"

Once again, soup to nuts stuff the Ukraine Conflict. What lead up to the war, the fighting of the war itself, the conclusion and aftermath of the war. 

Main categories of the Jacques Baud article:

* Part One: The Road To War.

* Part Two: The War.

"As a former head of analysis of Warsaw Pact forces in the Swiss strategic intelligence service, I observe with sadness — but not astonishment — that our services are no longer able to understand the military situation in Ukraine." 

     1. The Outbreak Of War.

     2. Demilitarization.

     3. Denazification.

     4. The Maternity Hospital At Mariupol.

* Part Three: Conclusions.

As is obvious Part Three only speculation at this point. Fighting continues and apparently approaching a crescendo and perhaps beyond that.

Hardly can we neglect the insight of Jacques Baud and thank you sir!


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