Saturday, April 23, 2022


This is coolbert:

False navigation signals GPS? The Ukraine Conflict. Global Positioning System kaput?

See this entire article the alleged spoofing of GPS signals.

"spoof: verb - - 1: DECEIVE, HOAX"

From controlled [?] Russian Internet media Russian Times [RT]. 22 Apr, 2022.

"Russian airlines told to prepare to fly without GPS – media"

"The reported move comes after increased reports of jamming and spoofing of the US satellite system's signal"

"Russia's national air traffic regulator has told carriers to prepare to fly their planes without relying on the American Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite-based-navigation tool, newspaper Izvestia reported on Friday."

"According to the letter from Rosaviatsia, which was seen by the outlet, it has instructed national airlines to prepare to cope without GPS after a March report by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), which warned of increased cases of jamming and spoofing of the system's signal after February 24 – the day Russia started its military offensive in Ukraine."


"On Friday, Rogozin [head of the Russian space agency Roscosmos] took to Telegram to propose switching all of the country's commercial planes from GPS to its Russian counterpart, Glonass."

"However, it might be a complicated thing to do as Boeing and Airbus planes, mainly used by the country's carriers, are designed to solely support the GPS technology."

Correct. Russia has it's own GPS system, GLONASS. Why just not use GLONASS? And we have the answer. Boeing and Airbus commercial aircraft in Russian service "designed to solely support" GPS.

Precision-guided munitions a whole variety of them too relying on GPS. Jam or spoof GPS and those weapons become less or even far less effective!

As to WHO the culprit is no one is named! The road to hell is paved with good intentions and now where is that airfield so we can land!


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