Saturday, April 16, 2022


This is coolbert:

As reported from the English tabloid "Daily Mail" the story by WILL STEWART and CHRIS JEWERS and CHRIS PLEASANCE 15 April 2022 | . The headline and main points.

Story grim in the extreme. All hands lost? Atomic weapons lost too? Catastrophe unmitigated? Indeed a tabloid story.

"'To the sailors': Relatives of doomed Moskva crew defy Russian censors with unofficial memorial – as Ukraine claims ALL 510 aboard died and US confirms missile DID hit Putin flagship which was 'carrying nuclear weapons'"

* "Ukraine said it launched missile strike on the Moskva from the coast near Odesa" * "This, Kyiv says, ripped open the Soviet-era Black Sea warship, causing it to sink" * "Russia last night admitted to the ship's sinking, but said it was caused by a fire" * "Conflicting reports have been released, but Ukraine today claimed that all 510 sailors on board the vessel were killed. Russia said they were evacuated" * "However, today a unofficial memorial service was held in Sevastopol, Crimea" 

This entire episode going to be controversial far into the future. The first thing I thought of was the sinking of the Lusitania during the Great War. EVEN after one-hundred years the entire and full account of the Lusitania sinking and events as transpired not fully explained to the complete satisfaction of some persons!

Questions regarding this modern-day incident will also persist for a long time I well expect. Was the Moskva hit by Ukrainian missiles? Fire that cause the internal ammunition stores to explode was not from the missile strike? Moskva sank with all hands or were the crew evacuated, the vessel abandoned? ATOMIC weapons lost?

OH, Lordy! This story continues!


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