Tuesday, April 26, 2022

PGM Russia.

This is coolbert:

“There has been an effect on Putin's ability to restock and resupply particularly … in the realm of components to some of his systems and his precision-guided munitions. … They've already faced an issue in terms of replenishing their inventories because of components to some of those systems, and that's already had a practical effect on Putin,” - - a senior Pentagon official.


From the story by Kris Osborn April 22, 2022 courtesy "The National Interest".

"Russia Runs Low on Precision Munitions as New Phase in the War Begins"

"Russian forces will be able to indiscriminately launch unguided artillery bombardment attacks, but they will not be able to pinpoint high value Ukrainian targets"

"In the initial weeks of the war in Ukraine, Russia’s heavy missile and artillery bombardment of Ukrainian civilian areas revealed what appeared to be a deliberate effort to terrorize the Ukrainian people."

"What makes this all the more disturbing is the reality that Russia has precision-guided weapons and, should it wish to, could easily pinpoint military targets with surgical bomb and missile strikes. Therefore, the attacks on civilians appeared to be quite deliberate right from the start, given that Russia has the technical means to limit casualties."


"However, the Pentagon now says Russia is running out of precision munitions due to the overwhelming number of strikes Russian forces have launched."

Precision-guided artillery rounds as guided to the target by GPS or laser have been around for some time, the armies of the USA and Russian both possessing. 

Read further precision-guided munitions, usage of the Russian Krasnopol precision-guided munition in the Ukraine, that phase of static warfare as has existed since 2014.

I might well assume correctly that the expenditure of precision-guided artillery rounds and other terminal-guidance Russian munitions of all sorts will necessitate replacement of which will be both expensive and time-consuming.

"The purpose of terror is to terrorize!" - - V. I. Lenin.


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