Friday, April 8, 2022


This is coolbert:

Here more from Mark Felton. Thanks to Mark and You Tube.

Mark normally his productions are of the historical topic and not current material.

This video however germane to the Ukraine Conflict and also a prior blog entry.

"A mysterious tragedy in the Romanian-Ukrainian border region in March 2022 involving the loss of two NATO aircraft."

From comments to the You Tube video:

* "Both were accidents according to the Romanian Ministry of Deffence [sic]. You can find info on their website but in Romanian. The aircraft had probably engine faliure after take off, the rescue helicopter had problem with ice that blocked the airflow in the engine. The weather was bad for flying."

* "A Romanian YouTuber I watch who worked indirectly with people like the helicopter crew said that Romanian military pilots are known for being pretty unsafe in their flying and take a lot of dangerous risks that other countries don’t and so he wasn’t surprised at all that these aircraft crashed"

See my prior blog entry the Romanian MiG and helicopter crash. Recall also the drone Tu-141and the unauthorized entry into NATO airspace. Origin of drone never determined? In a time of war such can be expected.


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