Monday, April 18, 2022


This is coolbert:

More "Daily Mail" stuff the continuing episodes of senior Russian military officers casualties, killed-in-action, the Ukraine Conflict.

The story By WILL STEWART FOR THE MAILONLINE 18 April 2022 and thank you sir.

 "Yet another Russian commander is killed in Ukraine: Colonel dies after suffering shrapnel wounds near Kharkiv as Russian troop death toll ‘reaches 20,600’"

* Russia has lost its 35th colonel to a Ukrainian attack as the death toll mounts * Colonel Ivan Grishin, commander of the 49th anti-aircraft missile brigade, died from abdominal shrapnel wounds near Kharkiv as the war in Ukraine continues 8 Ukraine announced Monday the Russian war losses have reached 20,600 killed

"Mail" a tabloid type publication in print and online and favoring the sensationalist storyline.

"story line: n. 1. The plot of a story or dramatic work. 2. One of the narrative strands forming a complex story"

These Russian commanding officers of high rank indeed a narrative sensationalistic in nature but not without foundation. So MANY of these HIGH-RANKING officers killed in such a short time very unusual as was noted by General Petraeus.

This whole topic going to be discussed in military circles I well expect and lessons learned!

See previous blog as apropos:


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