Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Draken PMC.

This is coolbert:

"Draken Will Provide Red Air Services To The Royal Air Force"

Royal Air Force DACT UK. The "aggressor" arrives.

From the Internet web site "The Aviationist" and the article by STEFANO D'URSO April 12, 2022. 

"Draken’s L-159Es will take over the aggressor role of the recently retired Hawk T1 fleet."

"The Royal Air Force awarded a six-year contract to Draken to provide aggressor aircraft to support the training of Typhoon and F-35B pilots, replicating the tactics, techniques and procedures of potential adversaries. This is the first such contract placed in the United Kingdom, although a similar service is currently being delivered by Draken International and other contractors to the United States Air Force."


"Beginning from the July, Draken Europe will use the L-159E Honey Badger to provide simulated airborne threat as part of the Interim Red Air Aggressor Training Service (IRAATS) program. This capability was previously provided by the recently retired Hawk T1. As mentioned by the RAF, the L-159E delivers a capability enhancement over the Hawk through increased endurance, an air-to-air radar and a radar warning receiver."

PMC Draken Europe to the rescue. HEY, send these planes and hired gun pilots to the Ukraine. Draken has twenty-one of these warplanes in their inventory. Can be fitted promptly with war-stuff and enter the air war Ukraine? Air superiority kind of combat. I would assume those PMC pilots highly trained and experienced! Give their Russian counter-part a good run for the money.

Always wanted to see some smoke did you? Well, now you have the chance! You did say you wanted to fly airplanes, didn't you?


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