Friday, April 15, 2022

Convicts Ukr.

This is coolbert:

“In Kharkov, the formation of three new nationalist battalions is being completed, staffed by prisoners, who have served sentences for grave and extremely grave crimes at the Alekseevskaya and 43rd correctional colonies,” - - Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev.

I don't to believe this is true but hardly would not preclude the possibility this is true. A bad idea. A very bad idea.

From Russian controlled [?] Internet media RT and thanks to same.

"Ukraine using convicts for new nationalist battalions – Moscow"

"Three new battalions from those serving time for grave crimes have been put together by Ukraine, Moscow says"

"Ukrainian authorities have released convicts from prisons in the Kharkov Region, in the north east of the country, and used them to assemble several new military units, Russia’s Defense Ministry claimed on Thursday."

"Military units" using the broadest defined use of the word "military". Convicts and the criminal element rarely if ever make good soldiers. Especially those have committed "serious offenses" of some sort. Released from prison with the proviso of an expunged sentence if they perform honorable and useful service just a mirage, normally not even worth considering.

Within the Islamic cultural domain the bashi bazook an irregular released from prison during a time of war somewhat a normative occurrence.

Frankly, I am rather doubtful of all this. But again, if actually so, a bad idea!


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