Sunday, April 24, 2022


This is coolbert:

See the very recent blog entry. Trial now over. The judge has spoken. Bad news for the general. Follow-up # 1 and final follow-up.

"An Air Force Major General in Ohio has been convicted"

From politico ^ | 04/23/2022 the original [?] story By ASSOCIATED PRESS, the tip courtesy Freeper.

"WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio — An Air Force major general in Ohio has been convicted by a military judge of one of three specifications of abusive sexual contact in the first-ever military trial of an Air Force general. The charge faced by Maj. Gen. William Cooley during the weeklong court-martial at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio had three specifications, one alleging a forcible kiss and two alleging forcible touching in 2018. Cooley was convicted Saturday of the forcible kissing specification but acquitted of the other two."

The hyper-sexualized senior military man in action? The super A+ personality military man at his worst?

More than anything, this is the first case of an American Air Force general officer facing court martial. And now the first American Air Force general officer now convicted at a court martial of a violation of Uniform Code of Military Justice [UCMJ]. Shame more than anything else counts here.


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