Saturday, March 5, 2022


This is coolbert:

Consider the comments of an acknowledged aviation authority the feasibility of employing the American A-10 ground attack warplane in the Ukraine.

"The A-10s need[s] complete air dominance or air superiority, including destruction or disabling (such as through electronic measures) of the highly effective, very long range Surface to Air Missiles [SAM] the Russians have. Since those can fire from up to several hundred miles away, the US would have to make pre-emptive strikes against those targets as well as their radar tracking sites inside the Russian state itself in order to free up the A-10s to do their work. And there are still the heavy caliber AAA weapons with the convoys that will be present to do their work."

Among those heavy caliber AAA weapons the Russian Tunguska SPAAW. Self-propelled anti-aircraft weapon. Combines a dual cannon with short-range ground to air missiles. A tracked vehicle and super-deadly. 

Add to the mix the Pantsir and Buk anti-aircraft weapons systems and you fully understand in an intuitive manner an attacking A-10 would have to run an over-powering gauntlet of ground-based anti-aircraft weapon systems that cannot be even closely described as "permissive"!

A-10 used in Ukraine also undoubtedly would result in an escalation of hostilities and downright fast!


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