Wednesday, March 9, 2022


This is coolbert:

"Geospatial data typically involves large sets of spatial data gleaned from many diverse sources in varying formats and can include information such as census data, satellite imagery, weather data, cell phone data, drawn images and social media data. Geospatial data is most useful when it can be discovered, shared, analyzed and used in combination with traditional business data."

"Radio communications from Russian troops acquired by British spatial data company"

"British spatial data company ShadowBreak Intl has acquired a 'few hundred hours and a few hundred files' of radio communication from Russian troops on the ground in Ukraine, according to its founder Samuel Cardillo."


“We’ve heard them talking about what they’re going to do after they wake up, we’ve heard them having jokes, we’ve heard them crying during fights … we’ve heard an entire range of things."

Thanks top and You Tube for the video:

Geospatial data of this type was once strictly the purview of a new nations and any information from analysis of such data as available to ONLY a few elite persons at the very top of  a governmental  security decision-making appartus.

Remarkable technology indeed. And being put to good use during the Ukraine Conflict.


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