Sunday, March 27, 2022


This is coolbert:

It has happened again. Russian senior commanding general down. Seven in total now.

Answers are being offered as to why this is so burt a conclusive answer is hard to come by. 

The story frm the BBC 3/26/2022 | Ben Tobias the tip courtesy Freeper.

"Russian general Yakov Rezantsev killed in Ukraine"

"Ukraine's defence ministry says another Russian general, Lt Gen Yakov Rezantsev, was killed in a strike near the southern city of Kherson. Rezantsev was the commander of Russia's 49th combined army. A western official said he was the seventh general to die in Ukraine, and the second lieutenant general - the highest rank officer reportedly killed. It is thought that low morale among Russian troops has forced senior officers closer to the front line"

Very senior commanders being killed in battle so many in such a short time is extremely unusual if not totally unheard of in modern warfare. This is all due to: * Secure communications is down. * Troops junior officers and enlisted both are not performing to standard, need a lot of prodding from the very top. Those are the usual explanation.

See  previous applicable blog entries:


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