Monday, March 28, 2022


This is coolbert:

Ukraine Conflict miscellaneous. Thanks to Freeper in all instances.

1. "Ukrainian forces recapture Trostyanets, Poltavka and Malynivka from Russian troopers"

From Ne news ^ | 27 March 2022 |.

"The Ukrainian forces have reportedly recaptured key strategic locations of Trostyanets in Sumy Oblast, Poltavka and Malynivka villages in Zaporizhzhia Oblast from the invading Russian forces."

See additional blog entries the Ukrainian army even after much trevail able to counter-attack:

2. "Russia’s war in Ukraine is far from over"

From Task and Purpose ^ |  Mar 26, 2022 2:17 PM | Andrew Milburn.

"Russian morale is rock bottom, but they are adapting. As they dig in, they resort to laying reams of mines alongside roads and around their positions. The Ukrainians, who lack mine-clearing equipment, find themselves now unable to get close enough to use some of their much-vaunted anti-tank systems."

The Soviet soldier during the Second World War noted for his use of land-mines. Whether on the defensive OR the offensive it did not matter. When attacking ground as captured protected from counter-attack while the forward elements of troops continued an advance. The venerable tradition it seems continues.

3. "Russia MoD announces takeover of Kiev command center, troops surrender"

From Al Mayadeen Net ^ | 03/26/2022.

"The Russian armed forces were able to take over a Ukrainian military command center in Nikolaevka, a town in the suburbs of Kiev, the Russian Defense Ministry announced Saturday. The command center, according to Moscow, was a fortified and protected underground facility, and it had 61 Ukrainian soldiers. Moscow's defense ministry said most of the Ukrainian servicemen were senior officials in the country's armed forces, and they all surrendered to the Russian forces."

Indeed, this war is hardly over. Two to three days becomes two to three weeks. Then two to three months. And I hate to think beyond that. As with all conflicts [almost all cases] the general staff plans at the start of the war are shown to be flawed in some manner, major or minor. The adaptable combat commander and his subordinates able to adjust. Resiliency a must!

This war does remind me of the Winter War 1940. Overwhelming force of the Soviet military thought to be unstoppable, a quick victory over the Finn. Did not happen.


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