Wednesday, March 2, 2022


This is coolbert:

casus belli – that is, an event that justifies a war.”

THIS should NOT be taken as an IDLE threat!

"Russia’s space agency chief warns hackers could start war"

2 Mar, 2022 16:08.

"The head of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, said attempts to target Russian satellites would lead to serious repercussions"


"Russia’s space agency chief warns hackers could start war"


"Earlier, several Telegram groups claimed that the NB65 hacker group, which is allegedly linked to Anonymous, had successfully breached Roscosmos’ communications with Russia’s satellites."

Anyone ever think of this before? Hackers might actually be able to deny the Russian the use of their satellites vital for both military operations and daily civilian usage. Communications stymied could reasonably be seen as an act of war for which the violated had every right to retaliate.

Private actors [NB65] their actions if actually occurring counter-productive in the extreme, way beyond merely annoying. Private actors consider your actions and what might be the consequences. Way beyond your wildest hacking dreams and all for the worst.


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