Friday, March 11, 2022


This is coolbert:

'"These sites were a treasure trove for our spies, and the dating apps in particular – soldiers and those involved in the military effort were particularly unguarded. It meant we were very au fait with the plans and the imminence of the invasion, right down to details such as the movement of blood supplies to the Russian troops."

"au fait: to the point : well informed : socially competent"

Once more from the English tabloid "Daily Mail" the story by GLEN OWEN: PUBLISHED: 5 March 2022. "Mail" continues with a very fine effort, their coverage of the Ukraine Conflict.

"British spies use gay dating app Grindr and other social networking sites to track Vladimir Putin's soldiers"

* "UK spies "British cyber-warfare experts] tapped into messages on sites such as VKontakte- Russian Facebook" * "Discovered that Putin was planning a full invasion on sites such as Grindr" * "App is used discreetly despite Putin banning homosexual propaganda in 2013" * "Soldiers were unguarded and revealed many of plans and pace of invasion" 

Russian soldier! Beware the Internet! Beware your smartphone! Beware Grindr! Beware the penal battalion!

Russian soldier! If you are gay fellow and are captured by the Ukrainian and your sexual preferences become apparent, you will be subjected to a rigorous session of interrogation way beyond the norm.


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