Tuesday, March 8, 2022


This is coolbert:

Several recent blog entries here and here the EXCOMM has been mentioned. Often spelled and maybe more correctly as ExCOMM.

An ad hoc committee of the most senior officials of the Kennedy administration, politicians, military leaders, close and not so close advisors to the President. 

The top senior decision making national security elite of the USA government.

An ad hoc committee the mission was to find a resolution to the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962. 

The USA and theSoviet Union described as "on-the-brink" of nuclear annihilation. 

Indeed, the Cuban Missile Crisis was the only instance of where American military forces [confined to the Strategic Air Command] were placed on a readiness status of DEFCON TWO. Nuclear war might occur in six hours! 

Proceedings of the EXCOMM recorded [in secret] for posterity sake of which we have posted here just one example thanks to You Tube.

"President Kennedy taped [again in secret] many of his White House conversations. In this October 18, 1962 recording, he dictates an account of the debates among his top advisors in the midst of the Cuban Missile Crisis. This tape was made two days after the president was notified that aerial photographs  revealed a Soviet missile base in Cuba."

Since the Ukraine Crisis has manifested into the Ukraine Conflict and with all the bad talk of World War III and the use of atomic weapons as a possibility, I would like to think that some sort of modern-day  EXCOMM is in session on a daily basis, either in person, by video link, or other means as necessary.


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