Wednesday, March 30, 2022


This is coolbert:

Peace in our time? Peace is at hand?

"Russia: We've decided to "drastically reduce" our military presence around Kiev and Chernihiv"

Fom the Internet web site "Hot Air" the article by ALLAHPUNDIT Mar 29, 2022.

See previous blog entry as reported by DEBKAfile the Russians grouping additional forces for the encirclement of Kiev.

As noted by ALLAHPUNDIT: "They’re not retreating, they’re advancing in the opposite direction."

Question mark?

See also a number of comments by various pundits and analysts. Click on all image to see an enlarged view.

Stage being set for meaningful negotiations? A message being conveyed that is of a positive nature? Troops currently on the front line going to be replaced by fresh troops? Redeployment to other sectors where other Russian forces are not so "bogged down"? Take your pick I guess.


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