Sunday, March 6, 2022

Captagon II.

This is coolbert:

When Vlaimir Putin speaks of defeating drug addicts and neo-Nazi elements this is what he has in mind?

Daesh = Islamic State.

"Labs Producing Drugs for Ukrainian Nationalists Found in DPR - Sputnik Correspondent"

05.03.2022, Sputnik International.

"The drug laboratories were discovered by DPR troops in the village of Sopino near Mariupol, where bases of the 'Right Sector' nationalist organisation"  

"Donetsk People Republic (DPR) troops have discovered what appears to be drug laboratories where "combat" drugs for Ukrainian nationalists were made, a Sputnik correspondent reported.A DPR soldier said that drugs are the reason for the "stupidity and courage" of the Ukrainian nationalists. Locals from Kharkov also told Sputnik that fighters of the nationalist battalions currently in the city "give the impression of people in a state of drug intoxication, they behave inappropriately and exalted, have wild eyes".The so-called "combat drugs" - particularly, captagon, which contains amphetamine - are extremely popular among Daesh* terrorists. Daesh fighters use them in order to not feel fear and to increase morale."

"One pill makes you larger

And one pill makes you small,

And the ones that mother gives you

Don’t do anything at all.

Go ask Alice

When she’s ten feet tall."

Heavy dude. Heavy! And thank you Grace Slick.


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