Thursday, March 24, 2022


This is coolbert:

Putin has ordered the use of blocking units, the Ukraine Conflict?

"Barrier troops, blocking units, or anti-retreat forces are military units that are located in the rear or on the front line (behind the main forces) to maintain military discipline, prevent the flight of servicemen from the battlefield, capture spies, saboteurs and deserters, and return troops who flee from the battlefield or lag behind their units."

"Not one step backwards!"

"FIGHT OR DIE Putin ‘orders execution squads to kill HIS OWN men’ if they try to desert Ukraine invasion in brutal Stalinist tactic"

Story by Imogen Braddick "US News" Mar 23 2022 tip from Freeper.

"VLADIMIR Putin has allegedly ordered execution squads to kill his own men if they try to desert his Ukraine invasion."

"The Russian tyrant expected a swift quick victory when he ordered the invasion nearly a month ago - but his forces have faced fierce resistance from Ukrainian troops."


"In a brutal revival of Stalin's tactics, Ukrainian security services have reportedly been told by Russian prisoners that troops are followed by execution squads."

During the era of the Second World War Red Army Commissars and NKVD ["Blue Caps"] blocking troops notorious for their enforcement of battlefield norms. Any soldier demonstrating a lack of resolve or shirking duty often punished with draconian punishment understood to be fatal either in the short or long term!

NO "Blue Caps or Red Commissars this time. Rather as described the Chechen boys. I would stress you could not have in this situation chosen a worse group to act as enforcers. Chechen both greatly feared and hated by the average Russian soldier those of Slavonic origin. Allowing the Chechens to enforce norms and act in a brutal manner as they might do will only create much greater animosity and a rebelliousness among the lower rankers. Willingness of the troops to perform at or above standard even lessened in the process.


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