Friday, March 11, 2022


This is coolbert:

The plan is the base from all change is made!! Especially with regard to warfare an eternal aphorism.

From DEBKAfile as dated: Mar 11, 2022.

"Russian forces splinter long column, revise tactics for seizing Kyiv"

 "Stalled by Ukraine harassment, Russian generals revised their tactics for the offensive on Kyiv by opening a new front to the west and targeting the town of Lviv. They began the third week of their invasion on March 11 by splitting into multiple sub-convoys the huge column of tanks, armored vehicles, artillery and troops snaking around the capital. The sub-units are tightening their encirclement of the city ready to drive in from the north, west and east. Tanks diverted from the convoy were posted at Antonov airport to the north. Heavy artillery units were dug in in wooded areas around Kyiv ready for action."


"Some Western analysts suggest that the Ukraine war will end with the partitioning of the embattled country between East Ukraine and West Ukraine. The Dnieper River may serve as the border between the two separate entities, acting much like the defunct Berlin Wall. The river rises in Russia and flows through Belarus and Ukraine to the Black Sea. West Ukraine, under this plan, would lose its outlet to the sea and therefore its economic lifeline for exports."

Thank you DEBKAfile. The noted blogger Spengler [David Goldman] rated DEBKA totally unreliable under all circumstances. I am not so sure!


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