Saturday, February 26, 2022

WMD Tos-1.

This is coolbert:

More Tos-1 Buration thermobaric weapon stuff. 

As seen at the tabloid "Daily Mail" previous article and unashamedly entire paragraphs copied in entirety with my commentary. [click on images to see an enlarged view.]


"However, in a worrying sign for Ukraine, video from Russia's Western border with Ukraine showed TOS-1 heavy flamethrower tanks moving towards its neighbour. The tanks are capable of firing high-power thermobaric weapons - dubbed the 'father of all bombs'."

Tos-1 on a low-boy being taken to the scene of the action. Twenty-four rockets carrying a thermobaric warhead can be fire more or less simultaneously on a target. Now being sent to Kiev.

"In Russian, 'TOS' stands for 'heavy flame thrower'. However, what the TOS-1 launches is perhaps even more frightening - fuel-air explosives (FAE) that cause a 'wall of napalm'. As the bomb explodes, it scatters dust that ignites when it meets oxygen, causing the very air around it to appear as if it is bursting into flames."

Grozny a modern and large European city entire neighborhoods destroyed from either the First or Second Chechen War. Utter obliteration more than likely the result of a Tos-1 barrage. I can well imagine this is what you would see in the aftermath of an atomic attack. 

"In a worrying sign, video from Russia's Western border with Ukraine showed TOS-1 heavy flamethrower tanks moving towards its neighbour. The tanks are capable of firing high-power thermobaric weapons - dubbed the 'father of all bombs'"

Massive firepower used ruthlessly to break the will of the Ukrainian soldier fighting an urban warfare battle?


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