Saturday, February 26, 2022


This is coolbert: 

Invading cut-throat elite special purpose units Ukraine. BUT NOT RUSSIAN!

"Report: Chechen Kill Squads Ordered Into Ukraine to Take Out Kyiv Officials"

From News Max Internet web site the story by Solange Reyner.

Friday, 25 February 2022 05:51 PM.


"Chechen kill squads have been ordered into Ukraine [purportedly] to take out specific members of the country's government, including President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, according to a Moscow Telegram channel with links to the security establishment."


* "The Chechen soldiers were given decks of cards with photographs of their targets, according to the Daily Mail."

Last time the deck of cards with photos of the wanted used in a combat zone the Iraqi counter-insurgency. 

* "There was speculation that those identified by Moscow as Nazis would also be on the hunted list."

Persons accused by the Russian of being perpetrators of atrocity also wanted. Member of the respective Ukrainian militia to include Azov of  course.

Normally I would have thought that such "hunt", "kill or capture" missions would be strictly the role of Russian special purpose troops, the famed spetsnaz. Not so here? The Chechen President Kadyrov is great obligated to the Russian and is so indebted he feels it necessary to contribute his share to the Russian Ukraine effort.



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