Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Flanker-H I.

This is coolbert:

Russian Flanker-H warplanes in service with the Indian Air Force [IAF] having a high crash rate.

Russian Flanker-H warplanes in the the service of other foreign nations NOT having such a high crash rate.

And WHY is this? From the Internet web site "Great Game India" and thanks to same. Article dated May, 2016.

"Why The Indian Air Force Has A High Crash Rate"

Warplane in question the Russian Flanker-H Su-30MKI. Flanker-H based on the original Su-27 design.

"A parliamentary [India] panel has expressed its deep concerns over the continued incidents of mishaps involving aircraft of the Indian Air Force, resulting into loss of precious lives and huge money. In its latest report, the Standing Committee on Defense said the data on accidents that took place in the IAF the last eight years, is baffling. 'As many as 87 accidents had taken place, which works out to be more than 10 per year. In these accidents, as many as 75 lives were lost,' said the report"

"A report in Russia & India Report looks at some factors that contribute to the IAF’s high crash rate in comparison with the Chinese, Russian, Vietnamese and Indonesian air forces."

Crash rate India high. Same plane flown by air forces of other nations low? Why?

The "Great Game India" article DOES NOT answer the question. ONLY suggests that the Indian military has always been beholden to foreign weapons imports and DOES NOT have that wide range of indigenous weapons systems needed for defense. Even totally Indian designed and developed munitions highly dependent on imported parts to some degree!


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