Tuesday, January 25, 2022


This is coolbert:

"Moscow has deployed some 100,000 troops to the borders of Ukraine. What now? Putin finds himself in a situation where Russian success is defined as either a change of government in Kyiv (with the successor aligned with Moscow) or conquest of the country. The 18th-century French diplomat Talleyrand is meant to have said: 'You can do anything you like with bayonets except sit on them.' Putin must use those troops soon or face the humiliation of withdrawing them without achieving anything except pushing Ukraine closer to the west. In either case, he has placed himself in a difficult position at home and abroad. The US and its allies must do what they can to exacerbate his difficulties." - - former SECDEF [USA] Gates. 


"The Indispensable Nation: a Return of Forces to Europe"

"Regulars here on the Front Porch [the Commander Salamander web site] know I want none of this. How long have we begged continental Europe - especially the strong powers such as Germany - to spend enough to be a credible balance to Russia, to make the risk of conflict too great, to force her to look to other means besides violence and blackmail to learn to live with her neighbors? 

1. Former Secretary of Defense [USA] Gates a man of marked career achievement his pronouncement should causing concern for all! 

2. With regard to the NATO allies of the USA unwilling to pay the agreed amount as seen as requisite for their to be a credible military deterrent in Europe see a much prior blog entry from Rabbi Dov Hilkind.

3. Agreed also that Putin may have placed himself where he cannot extricate from the current situation with the Ukraine UNLESS he does get some meaningful concessions for the USA and NATO. And quick too.


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