Thursday, January 27, 2022


This is coolbert:

Mish [Shedlock] was right. 

Liquid natural gas [LNG] shipments bound for Europe from the USA now at a frenzied pace?

From the Internet web site "WAR is BORING".

"U.S. preparing for Russia to cut gas supply in case of escalation in Ukraine"

"Washington — The United States and its allies are preparing for a possible reduction in Russian gas supplies to Europe in case of an escalation in the Ukraine conflict." 

Possible much than a possible?

"The Marvel Crane, the first liquid natural gas carrier to transport natural gas from the Southwest Louisiana LNG facility, transits a channel in Hackberry, Louisiana, May 28, 2019. Cameron LNG is one of several LNG export projects planned for Southwest Louisiana in the next five to ten years. U.S. Coast Guard photo."

Massive ships carrying massive quantities of liquid natural gas. Europe if and when the Ukraine Crisis goes from bad to worse Germany in particular going to be in dire need of LNG for heating homes during the coldest part of the winter!

Additionally from Mish Shedlock:

"Germany's Surrender to the Greens Forced a Second Surrender to Russia"

"Germany is a world of hurt over natural gas, the price of electricity, and its energy policy in general. Let's look at the current picture and how we got here."

See even further here descriptions of panic and hysteria Europe. 

NONE of this sounds very good. Freeze to death in the dark and all that!


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