Saturday, January 29, 2022


This is coolbert:

In this time of European crisis do not forget China.

Here from You Tube a very good video the FIVE reasons why an invasion of Taiwan by the military forces of Red China will NOT occur. I recommend highly without qualification or reservation.

"The tension between China and Taiwan has been increasingly heightening for the past decade. Increasingly more frequent Chinese navy exercises off the coast of Taiwan and incursion on Taiwanese Air Identification Defense Zone [ADIZ] by PLA's jets have buttressed the perception of an imminent Chinese invasion of the island."

More than anything else a Chinese amphibious invasion of Taiwan would have the primarily goal to defeat the Cold War doctrine of "First Island Chain"? A doctrine severely limiting the Chinese navy [PLAN] to egress the East China sea and enter unimpeded into the pelagic waters [deep blue ] of the Pacific ocean.

The Island Chain Strategy is a strategic maritime containment plan first conceived by American foreign policy statesman John Foster Dulles in 1951, during the Korean War.

See previous blog entry the topic those naval containment choke points restricting the PLAN:

See also additional prior blog entries the military solution to the current stand-off China and Taiwan invasion not seen as a do-able!

Well, I guess nothing to worry about then! Right?


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