Tuesday, January 4, 2022


This is coolbert:

"Plaintiffs' beliefs about the vaccine are undisputedly sincere, and it is not the role of this Court to determine their truthfulness or accuracy…"

"heavy: adj. - - 8. Of great import or seriousness; grave: heavy matters of state."

Courtesy reason.com and EUGENE VOLOKH the tip from Freeper.

Covid-19. U.S. Navy SEAL's one, U.S. Navy zero. At least for now.

"Preliminary Injunction Against Military Mandatory Vaccination Policy"

As extracted from the reason.com Internet article:

"Plaintiffs object to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine based on their religious beliefs. These beliefs fall into the following categories: (1) opposition to abortion and the use of aborted fetal cell lines in development of the vaccine; (2) belief that modifying one's body is an afront to the Creator; (3) direct, divine instruction not to receive the vaccine; and (4) opposition to injecting trace amounts of animal cells into one's body."

See previous blog entry the comments of the U.S. military Vicar General and objections to the Covid-19 inoculations.

Not since the Sepoy Mutiny of  1857 have troops so vigorously protested mandated procedures?

This is not the last we have heard of the issue. 


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