Monday, January 31, 2022


This is coolbert:

Israel stymied? Tactics used to routinely destroy Iranian weapons bound for the Syrian military and Hezbollah now hardly routine if even possible.

Russia enters the fray. Has been involved in the Syrian Civil War for some time but now participation escalating?

Thanks to DEBKAfile as copied in entirety.

"Russia lets Iranian arms planes land at its Syrian air base"

 Jan 29, 2022 @ 17:57

"In a major concession to Iran – and the third setback in a week for Israel – Moscow is for the first time allowing Iranian weapons-laden flights land at the big Russian Hmeimim air base in western Syria. This follows the announcement of joint Russia-Syria air patrols over the Golan and the deployment of Russian military police units at the Syrian port of Latakia, after it was bombed by Israel as a primary portal for the intake of Iranian weapons shipments for its surrogate forces. Hmeimim is the main hub of Russia’s military operations in Syria. Our sources report that a joint Russia-Syria air defense exercise was conducted this week, another inhibitor of the continuation of Israeli air strikes.."

Absolutely clear what is occurring here. Israeli warplanes attacking [as has been done repeatedly in the past] Iranian munitions-carrying transport aircraft or arms depots now out of the question? Too much danger of killing Russian military personnel on-the-scene, enraging the Kremlin.

Anyone disagree with this?


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