Friday, December 17, 2021

B & B.

This is coolbert:

A rags to riches story and now a riches to rags story? English army troop a bold lad has stepped in it big time.

From the Daily Mail and thanks to same.

"The Army deserter who Escaped to the Chateau: Spotted on Channel 4, the soldier who fled to France, married, and turned a rundown 18th century mansion into a £900,000 [$1.2 million USD]B&B"

B and B = Bed and breakfast accommodations.

* Billy Petherick, 33, went AWOL from the Household Cavalry in 2009  * He bought and restored a £890,000 French chateau with a new French wife * He was caught after he went on the Channel 4 series 'Escape To The Chateau' "

Billy "lured" back to England and promptly arrested. Escape and desertion not total forever. He will receive harsh punishment? Billy was a soldier with the Household Cavalry. Those are the horsemen you see parading at Buckingham Palace.

I doubt the Queen will be pleased with Billy.


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