Tuesday, November 23, 2021


This is coolbert:

From the Internet web site isegoria.net and thanks to same.

Space! The final frontier?

"Physics would constrain space-to-space engagements. These five key concepts help explain how"

 * Satellites move quickly.. * Satellites move predictably. * Space is big.  * Timing is everything.. * Satellites maneuver slowly. "

"Warfighting on Earth typically involves competitors fighting to dominate a physical location:"

"Opposing military forces fight to control the land, sea, and air over a certain part of Earth to expand influence over people or resources. Space warfare does not follow this paradigm; satellites in orbit do not occupy or dominate a single location over time. Instead, satellites provide capabilities, such as communications, navigation, and intelligence gathering, to Earth-based militaries. Therefore, to “control space” is not necessarily to physically conquer sectors of space but rather to reduce or eliminate adversary satellite capabilities while ensuring one retains the ability to freely operate their own space capabilities"

In a nutshell you command the high ground, destroying the enemy satellites while protecting your own satellites.

See an impressive listing those nations currently able to employ anti-satellite weaponry [ASAT]. Keep in mind no X fighters or Y fighters. Star Wars it will not be.


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