Friday, October 22, 2021


This is coolbert:

"Normally, the submarine goes to the quay in the city of Karlskrona to load new torpedoes. This time we did it from a more tactical place", Lieutenant Colonel Adam Camél,

Article courtesy the Russian Internet media outlet Sputnik.

"Swedish Submarine Loaded Live Torpedoes Amid Major Russian Drill – Report"

Swedish response to the recent Russian military exercise Zapad-21. Torpedoes loaded in a tactical situation. Ship-to-ship replenishment out of the ordinary!

"In the midst of the joint Russian-Belarusian drills Zapad-21 in September, the Swedish submarine HMS Uppland was ordered to carry out a complex secret operation – namely to load live torpedoes out at sea," 

"Under great secrecy, the torpedoes were transported from their storage facility via a highway and loaded onto the HMS Pelikanen, the Swedish Navy's only missile and torpedo salvage vessel."


Normally at least for the U.S. Navy a submarine when it sails fully loaded for combat with all weapons as necessary to accomplish mission, if and when the go-code given. U.S. Navy too has submarine tenders that can do at-see replenishment.

Yet one more indication the Swede takes very seriously the threat of a general war and is making extensive preparations in advance. Admirable!


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