Monday, October 18, 2021


This is coolbert:

As extracted from my prior blog entry:

"Seems the judge was VERY fair in this cause. Even to the extent of criticizing the 'brass' for releasing apparently in a purposeful manner the medical records of the Colonel. Obvious the intention of such a release was to make the Marine officer appear to be not in full control of his mental faculties. A crazy man!"

Further with a comment from an acknowledged legal authority well familiar with the Uniform Code of Military Justice [UCMJ] and  Judge Advocate General's [JAG] procedures:

"I am impressed with the judge’s decision to deliver such a light sentence to the Colonel. That was a brave statement by him about the way the military, probably under pressure from the political leadership, handled the situation. That judge’s career will also be over, but if he is a JAG Colonel, he wouldn’t have been promoted beyond that rank. There are only one BG and one MG slot in all of JAG Corps. He is already as high as he can go before retirement. But still, a bold thing to do."

And thank you judge for job well done and thank you also acknowledged legal authority!


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