Sunday, October 31, 2021


This is coolbert:

Bombs away with Curtis LeMay.

Thanks to the Internet web site "The Aviationist".

"New Video Of F-35A Dropping Two B61 Nuclear Bombs Over Tonopah Test Range During Recent Tests Just Released"

"The footage shows the recent F-35A Full Weapon System Demonstration (FWSD) with two B61-12 mock nuclear bombs."

"As we have already reported in detail recently, the F-35 Joint Program Office has announced earlier this month that the F-35A successfully executed the first Full Weapon System Demonstration [FWSD] with the B61-12, considered the 'graduation' flight test exercise for achieving nuclear design certification from an air-delivered platform."

MOCK nuclear bombs thankfully. F-35 carries the B61 as an internal bomb load for stealth?

See those most recent blog entries as applicable:


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