Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Destabilize II.

This is coolbert:


Game changer? The most recent Chinese hypersonic missile test reminiscent of a nuclear weapon delivery system from over fifty years ago now?

"Fractional Orbital Bombardment System"

"The Fractional Orbital Bombardment System (FOBS) was a nuclear-weapons delivery system developed in the 1960s by the Soviet Union. One of the first Soviet efforts to use space to deliver weapons, FOBS envisioned launching nuclear warheads into low Earth orbit [LEO] before bringing them down on their targets."

"Like a kinetic bombardment system but with nuclear weapons, FOBS had several attractive qualities: it had no range limit, its flight path would not reveal the target location, and warheads could be directed to North America over the South Pole, evading detection by NORAD's north-facing early warning systems."

FOBS a Soviet era weapons system. Nuclear warheads orbiting in LEO. Warheads as could be brought on down on target by radio-command. Warning notice prior to atomic detonation about five minutes!!

From the Internet web site of the Federation of American Scientists regarding FOBS:

"US planners viewed FOBS as a pathfinder system intended to precede a conventional ICBM attack. The FOBS would circumvent the existing US ballistic missile early warning radars and hit SAC airfields before the bombers could take off. FOBS could destroy ABM radars, disrupt US retaliatory capability, destroy command posts, the White House, and the command and control network"    

FOBS FINALLY ENDED BY TREATY WITH THE SOVIETS. [I believe strictly between the USA and the Soviets/Russians.]

The presence of an effective FOBS web makes all conventional ballistic-missile early-warning radars ineffective. FOBS greatly increases danger to the National Command Authority [NCA] in a time of crisis. NCA gone and informed, effective and rational decisions cannot be made.

And creates a destabilizing environment where an arms-race will occur. If the Chinese have such a weapon then the USA must too!!


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