Saturday, September 18, 2021


This is coolbert:

The Taiwanese can do it. The Americans can do it. The Swedes have been doing it for some time!

Combat warplanes able to use public roads and highways as airstrips for take-off and landings. See previous blog entry as is germane.

In this regard the top-of-the-line Swedish air superiority combat aircraft Gripen leads the world!

"Gripen’s ability to take off and land on public roads."

"The combination of delta wing and canards gives the Gripen significantly better takeoff, landing performance and flying characteristics. The totally integrated avionics makes it a 'programmable' aircraft. It also has an advanced electronic warfare unit, making it possible to load more ordnance onto the aircraft along with its self defence capabilities. "

Swedish Air Force during a time of conflict their combat air operations from dispersal and expedient airstrips hardly impeded. Read from the wiki ground crews able to arm, refuel and do basic maintenance checks with relative ease even under less than ideal conditions:

"a key design goal during the Gripen's development was the ability to take off from snow-covered landing strips of only 800 meters (2,600 ft); furthermore, a short-turnaround time of just ten minutes, during which a team composed of a technician and five conscripts would be able to re-arm, refuel, and perform basic inspections and servicing inside that time window before returning to flight for air-to-air missions. For air-to-ground missions this turnaround time using the same resource is slightly longer at twenty minutes".

Admirable and remarkable indeed!


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