Monday, August 30, 2021


This is coolbert:

ADIZ = Air Defense Identification Zone.

Thanks to G2mil, Carlton Meyer.

Exaggeration, USA media? Can it be so? Intruder bandit aircraft?

"I [G2mil] frequently see news stories about China's aggressive behavior. A common story is about Chinese aircraft entering Taiwan's Air Defense Identification Zone. This suggests Chinese aircraft cross into Taiwanese airspace less than 12 miles from its coastline, but they don't come near Taiwan. This zone is an area designated by Generals where foreign military aircraft are tracked. Taiwan's zone extends into mainland China! News organizations must know this, but some are required to constantly release Pentagon propaganda."

"An air defense identification zone (ADIZ) is airspace over land or water in which the identification, location, and control of civil aircraft is performed in the interest of national security. They may extend beyond a country's territory to give the country more time to respond to possibly hostile aircraft. The concept of an ADIZ is not defined in any international treaty and is not regulated by any international body."

"Aggressive behavior" on the part of mainland Chinese Communist military aviation highly exaggerated. Unscheduled aircraft flying in the Taiwanese ADIZ and failing to identify themselves not really a threat to Taipei. Chinese military aviation on normal routine flights within their own airspace hardly can be considered to be "intruders" and representing a threat to the Taiwanese. Click in image to see an enlarged view.

G2mil his observations often quite acerbic and iconoclastic but often valid and cannot be ignored. Thank you G2mil.


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