Saturday, July 24, 2021

Tsuji M.

This is coolbert: 

As extracted from and with considerable editing from the much prior Military Thoughts blog entry.

"This particular blog entry is devoted to Colonel Masonobu Tsuji. The famous/infamous Japanese military officer whose life before, during, and after World War Two [WW2] could easily be the history of Japan during the same period . . . Where ever Japan WAS at this period in time WAS also the place where Tsuji WAS. China, Manchuria, Mongolia, Malaya, Philippines, South Pacific, Burma, Indo-China, Japan, and back to Indo-China."

Much can be said of Colonel Tsuji. Here with an in-the-nutshell recapitulation:

Tsuji was a man of promise from an early age?? 

Tsuji was a man with contacts at the highest level of Japanese society. 

 Tsuji was a man who engaged in intrigue against his brother officers. 

 Tsuji also intrigued at the international and Japanese governmental level. 

 Tsuji was a man whose appearance epitomized the "yellow peril". 

 Tsuji was a hard-core military man, forsaking familial responsibilities. 

 Tsuji was an operational planner of extraordinary ability. 

 Tsuji was the chief of operations for the Malayan campaign.

 Tsuji was a war criminal. 

 Tsuji was a courageous military man. 

 Tsuji was a homosexual?? 

 Tsuji was a man who eschewed and hated the fleshpots

 Tsuji was a cannibal. 

Tsuji was a spy master. 

 Tsuji was a politician. 

 Tsuji was a man of strong opinions. 

 Tsuji was a prolific author. 

 Tsuji was an inspirational figure! 

 Tsuji was a CIA operative?? 

 Tsuji was a Viet Cong/NVA commander?? 

 Tsuji was a man who disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

Nor can we forget the rating scheme of Colonel Tsuji his appreciation of "fighting spirit" of the various combatants in the Pacific theater World War Two:

# 1 Japanese # 2 Chinese #3 Russians #4 Ghurkha # 5 American # 6 Australian # 7 British Indian army # 8 British. Fighting spirit that term not properly defined.

Without question Tsuji an amazing figure it can be suggested without peer or parallel. For better or worse.


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