Friday, April 30, 2021


This is coolbert:

"Double, double toil and trouble;"

"Fire burn, and cauldron bubble."

AND let the welding begin!

"France cuts two nuclear-powered submarines in half to make one new one"

Perle lives! And so does Saphir! At least half of each!

From CNN and the article by Brad Lendon, CNN.

"(CNN) A French nuclear-powered submarine severely damaged by fire last year has been saved from the scrapyard -- by cutting it in two and welding the salvageable half to part of another decommissioned sub."

"An intense 14-hour-long accidental fire on the attack submarine Perle while it was in dry dock for repairs last June left the front section of the boat unusable, according to the French Defense Ministry. It suffered structural damage to steel components that could not be repaired."

Very well done French! My compliments. Innovative approach and presumably will work well. Everybody needs to think so well. I cannot recall a single instance of such an effort before.


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