Friday, April 9, 2021


This is coolbert:

Snakes, bugs, rats. Etc.

Military survival training the consumption of unpalatable and hardly normal sustenance routine.

Also controversial? According to PETA it is.

1. "PETA protesting outside Pentagon demanding Marines stop eating bugs, snake blood in survival training"

"U.S. Marines drink the blood of a king cobra during jungle survival training as part of Cobra Gold 19. . . . The organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) called on supporters to protest outside the Pentagon on Thursday and hold large photos of U.S. Marines drinking snakes’ blood during survival training in an effort to pressure U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to discontinue the practice"

A military training exercise? Drinking snakes' blood? Eating bugs? PETA is outraged? Perhaps without sounding too flippant PETA can suggest a computer simulation as a substitute?

And what about the U.S. Army Special Forces [SF] Dog Lab? Haven't heard about that in a long time. Surgical training of SF medics involving for a long time [and was controversial too] the use of dogs as live "victims" of gunshot wounds. Save the dogs life Mr. Medic! Use rudimentary surgical techniques as taught to successfully treat the wounded animal.

Here is the answer? Dogs no longer used. Now the animal of choice is the goat? Thanks to the Internet web site Wired.

2. "Secrets of the Special Ops Goat Lab Revealed"

"In follow-up to yesterday’s 'goat post,' we’ll now fill in the details. Just as a reminder: I asked yesterday why Special Operations Command at Ft. Bragg wants to buy goats. As much as I would desperately like to believe that the main purpose of the Goat Lab at Ft. Bragg is to allow Special Ops […]"

Goats si, dogs no? That is what it is?


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