Thursday, March 11, 2021

C-40 B/C.

This is coolbert:

Distracted! Malfunction! Missteps!


Thanks to Kay for the tip.

"Distracted Guard, Gate Malfunction Allowed Intruder to Board Aircraft at Joint Base Andrews"

"The U.S. Air Force says a series of missteps at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, led to a Feb. 4 breach at the installation in which an unauthorized civilian was able to board a C-40 Clipper transport aircraft on the flight line."

"The service on Thursday released a 23-page Inspector General review into the incident. It concluded that a 'distracted' Security Forces [SF] airman overlooked the proper procedures to vet the man as he came on base." 

Joint Base Andrews. Think Air Force One. Air Force Two. SAM's flights [dignitaries and VIP}.

This C-40 B/C used for Special Air missions [SAM's] I am assuming.

I would have to think Andrews one of the most closely guard installations in the U.S. military. And yet some unauthorized person able to gain entry to the base and ACTUALLY  BOARD an aircraft while on the flight line.

See also the Russians with a similar problem. Doomsday warplanes as deemed boarded by unauthorized personnel and valuable gear stolen.


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