Friday, February 26, 2021

Xi'an KJ-600.

This is coolbert:


Chinese KJ-600 AEW [airborne early warning warplane] now being test flown.

1. "China’s KJ-600 Early Warning Aircraft [AEW] Cannot Operate from Current Aircraft Carriers"

China’s KJ-600 carrier-based early warning aircraft cannot operate from current PLA Navy aircraft carriers such as the Liaoning and Shandong.

The early warning aircraft, compared to the U.S. made E-2 Hawkeye, recently conducted another “successful flight test,” Chinese state media revealed on Sunday.

Chinese military experts said they expect the plane to operate [only] on large aircraft carriers equipped with catapults. 

KJ-600 more or less an almost exact [?] replica of the American E-2 Hawkeye carrier borne and catapult launched AEW naval aviation aircraft.

2. "KJ-600, China’s Hawkeye, successfully completes flight test"

The KJ-600, a carrier-based airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft developed by Xi'an Aircraft Industrial Corporation, successfully completed a new flight test, according to the Chinese state media Global Times. Entry into service is expected between 2022 and 2025.

Cannot take off from the current jump-jet class of Chinese aircraft carriers. Subsequent classes of carriers however designed to use the KJ-600 with catapult.

3. "Xi'an KJ-600 Will Make the F-22 and F-35 No Longer a Threat, China Claims"

Additionally see this You Tube video courtesy Dung Tran Air Force & Army.

The Xian KJ-600 is a twin-engine, high-wing, and airborne early warning and control aircraft, expected to be deployed on the People's Liberation Army Navy Type 003 aircraft carrier from around 2022.


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