Tuesday, February 2, 2021


This is coolbert:

Some items courtesy the Iranian PressTV.

American military forces Afghanistan and Iraq both AIDING fighters of the Islamic State [ISIL]? 

So it is alleged.

1. "US military lands Daesh terrorists behind PMU positions in Jurf al-Sakhar: Expert"

"The US military airlifts groups of Daesh Takfiri terrorists to areas behind the positions of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) in Jurf al-Sakhar region in the central province of Babil, says an Iraqi security expert."

2. "US forces ‘transporting by choppers’ Daesh terrorists in Afghanistan: Taliban"

"The Taliban says the US occupation forces in Afghanistan are engaged in 'transporting by their choppers' members of the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group in the war-torn country’s east."

Daesh = Islamic State = ISIL. PMU = Popular Mobilization Unit = Iraqi Shia paramilitary fighters.

Within the context of a previous blog entry all of this sounds very strange indeed. As was previously posted the Taliban much to their amazement has benefited from apparently deliberate American close-air-support. 

The enemy of my enemy is my friend? How the world turns.



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