Monday, February 22, 2021


This is coolbert:

Experimentation British style. From a number of decades ago but still relevant.

Once more thanks for the tip the "Coffee or Die" webzine and the article by Matt Fratus.

"The British Royal Marines that made up the 41 Royal Marine Commando unit were battle-hardened warriors . . . There was simply no opponent that was tough enough or smart enough to outwit these badass commandos. Unless, of course, their enemy secretly infused their water bottles with LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), the psychedelic drug."

Just about the best light-infantry in the world reduced to level of children and done so with a medical experiment [surreptitious infusion of drugs in the drinking water] for which informed consent was not received or even asked for. I imagine this "experiment" possibly legal within the context of "medical care or treatment" if understood in a very broad and general sense. Royal Marines too their confidence in leadership diminished?


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