Thursday, February 18, 2021


This is coolbert:

From Strategy Page a beginning paragraph of an article shamelessly extracted and for your perusal.

"Murphy's Law: Iranian Submarine Crises"


"February 16, 2021: In January 2021 satellite photos revealed that all three of Iran's Russian built Kilo class submarines were still out of the water, apparently undergoing repairs or refurbishment. Previous photos indicated the three subs had been out of the water since late 2020. It is not normal practice to have all of a warship class out of action at the same time. These three subs are not only out of action in a shipyard, but they are out of the water in a drydock situation. That means some serious work is being done, work that cannot wait. This usually means a common flaw with all the ships. Since no other Kilo users report or indicate a similar problem, this situation is unique. The major difference between Iranian Kilos and those of other export customers is that Iran refuses to send their Kilos back to Russia for major maintenance and insisted on doing it themselves. This is risky if you have no experience building similar subs or maintaining them with local parts rather than original parts from Russia. Iran is not commenting on their Kilo crisis."

See my previous blog entry thanks to You Tube the most recent movement of one such Kilo class Iranian submarine to drydock.

Kilo class quite a popular Russian military export item. NO ONE else has encountered such a problem of apparently vital importance? Strange indeed.


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